What function will display custom taxonomies associated with a post as text?
I’m currently using get_the_term_list which works great for a singular page but not so much when using a taxonomy in the archive-postype.php permalink title tag.
What function will display custom taxonomies associated with a post as text?
I’m currently using get_the_term_list which works great for a singular page but not so much when using a taxonomy in the archive-postype.php permalink title tag.
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wp_get_object_terms() returns the terms associated with an object (eg a post or a page or custom post) as text (normally in an array).
From the Codex page for wp_get_object_terms()
$productcategories = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'productcategories');
However @anu is right, I figured out you can call the php function strip_tags to strip out the tags of the return value.
Here $terms is an array, so you can use a foreach loop.
I think the best way is to implement a filter for the term list, that extract via regexp only the text, from the list
and the Hook in Developer Resources.You can implement your own filter.
I need the same and tried Zack solution that works great. For instance, if you need onlye the term to put in css id or class.
Only one anotation about the solution, the function is bad called, properly is “get_the_term_list”.
I show my example: