Hey. I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time but can’t seem to crack it.
I have created a menu using WordPress 3 menu editor and it’s all fine and working.
But I want to manually add an item (or few) to a submenu so that the item will only show up in the submenu if logged in user is admin (can add_users).
How can I achieve this?
I already came up with a solution of having two separate menus for another purpose. But that is not what I want in this case.
Say I have a menu called “Archives” It has a submenu with items “One” “Two” “Three”. This I have built using the WordPress menu system.
Now I want to manually add a new item to the Archives menu, let’s call it “Four” but I only want this to appear in the menu when a user is logged in and is admin.
@MikeSchinkel – still haven’t figured this one out… if you know, could you help me out?
the simplest way would be to create two menus on for admin and one for everyone else
and display them based on that:
Hi @fusse:
If you want the menu to be added only for an admin then really want you want is to be able to do is to remove the menu item for non-admin users?
Before I can continue, can I confirm that is what you want?