I’m no MySQL expert, but I’ve managed until now to hack together something that works. Unfortunately, my latest bodged attempt results in the server dying, so obviously I’m doing something that is massively inefficient. Can anyone give me a hint as to where the problem is and how I might get the same results without bringing the whole site down everytime?
$sqlbest = "SELECT
, wp_posts.post_title
, wp_posts.ID
, (TO_DAYS(CURDATE())- TO_DAYS(wp_posts.post_date))+1 AS days
FROM `wp_postmeta` , `wp_posts`
WHERE `wp_postmeta`.`post_id` = `wp_posts`.`ID`
AND `wp_posts`.`post_date` >= DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL 1 WEEK)
AND `wp_postmeta`.`meta_key` = 'views'
AND `wp_posts`.`post_status` = 'publish'
AND wp_posts.ID != '".$currentPostID."'
GROUP BY `wp_postmeta`.`post_id`
ORDER BY (CAST( `wp_postmeta`.`meta_value` AS UNSIGNED ) / days) DESC
LIMIT 0 , 4";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sqlbest);
It uses a post views count to calculate views/day for posts published in the last, then orders them by that number, and grabs the top 4.
I think I see that it’s inefficient in that it has to calculate that views/day everytime for a few thousand posts, but I don’t know how to do it any better.
Thanks in advance.
You could eliminate the need to call those date functions every time by either passing them statically into the query from your PHP server (which may not be synced with your database) or you can instead write a stored procedure and save the results of those date functions to variables that will then be used in the query.
I’ve tried to make a few changes.
with one call toDATEDIFF
.inner join
this does not do anything, just makes things clearer. One thing it shows, ifwp_postmeta.post_id
is unique, then you do not need the group by, because the inner join will only give one row perwp_postmeta.post_id
.group by
this is only right ifwp_postmeta.post_id
is unique!