permalink changed, now getting 404 for every pages

i have my website with permalink,
till now everything was fine, but few days before i changed my permalink, now everything is going wrong,
now each and every page i am getting 404,
even my about-us and contact us pages, they are giving me 404 page
if i come to my site from google or any search engines, then also it gives me 404
i have 1000+ posts on my website, for each post & page from google i get 404 page, but within the website except pages i get no 404 page

my previous permalink:

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now i added custom taxonomy to my permalink,
so now it is:%location%/%courses%/%postname%

I asked this question first also, but it was into wrong section i guess, thats why asking again and in detail.

Related Question: custom taxonomies on permalink

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  1. I might be very wrong on this one, but I don’t think that you can add things like %location% or %courses% to your permalink structure. At least not out of nothing. So at least it looks like information about your configuration is missing to answer your question.