I want to generate unique TEXT+Images+Link for each (single) post, the results will be visible to content area right hand side, within a BOX. I already have a plugins WP-InfoBox (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-infobox/) it works similar ways but the developer who made, he didn’t bothered the class, ID — so it’s messed-up the entire theme. I tried to change the class, ID names from the plugins but it’s not working anyways. It’s overlapping and I almost spend 3-4 hrs but I couldn’t able to resolve it.
However, Basic things, I’m looking for
- Include images+text+link form WordPress CUSTOM area
- Visibility in the location (see images)
Can anyone help me with that issue, that would be great.
From quick look at plugin’s code it clearly has
IDs included in markup and only refers to them explicitly in CSS.If you are not content with its markup you can remove plugin’s filter and re-use it custom fields by your own code by analogue with the_box() method.