I’m using a custom post type for a portfolio. I have a few option in there, bring saved by update_post_meta()
, it seems to work fine, but then out of the blue (within the hour), the data deletes its self. I have looked in the DB and all custom metadata values are empty.
I’m a little stumped really.
Here’s the code that’s saving one of the options.
function update_colour_palette(){
global $post;
$color = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$palette = $color["palette"][0];
update_post_meta($post->ID, "palette", $_POST["palette"], $palette);
Any help, tips & tricks would be useful.
I’ve been using this for a while to solve exactly your issue, I think I got it from the codex somewhere. But it works.
I assume this is in a post edit/ post save action, in which case you should add checks for user level and a nonce in there. If you don’t then this can be called in all sorts of places where the post values don’t exist.