How to checkout the plugin repository?

I have problems to checkout the plugin repository via SVN on

First it starts all looking well:

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>svn --force checkout
A    plugins.svn.wordpress.orglumberjack

But while it progresses, it gets stuck:

A    plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-shoppingreadme.txt
A    plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-shoppingSaveButton.png
svn: In directory 'plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-shopping'
svn: Can't open file 'plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-shopping.svntmptext-basereadme.txt.svn-base': Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

(Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. is German for a file not found error)

So now the working copy is broken. First thing to do I thought is to run a cleanup, but see what happens:

>svn cleanup
svn: In directory 'plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-shopping'
svn: Error processing command 'modify-wcprop' in 'plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-    shopping'
svn: 'plugins.svn.wordpress.orggbs-ad-shoppingformat' is not under version control

It looks a bit to me that this plugin is has some weird settings that prevent to checkout it. So any hints on this? Better ask that question over at SE?

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1 comment

  1. Okay, looks like this is a problem with windows. I tested this now under linux and it worked like a charm. I have no idea what is causing this, but that specific plugin which is problematic is looking wired in svn anyway.

    So solution is to use a SVN client on linux. It just works.