Plugin to host auctions on your site

Hello what free plugins are for hosting auctions on your site.
I saw wp-auction but i want the auction to be embedded in a page.

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  1. @solomongaby Please take the time to read the documentation for a plug-in before discounting it as useful. From the WP Auction documentation:

    How do I place an Auction in a Post/Page?

    1. First, you need to add your auction.
    2. Set the “Show auction in AJAX Popup?:” to No and enter the URL of
      your Post or Page. Remember, your Post
      or Page has to be published already.
    3. You can then embed the auction in your Post or Page by using the custom
      panel that shows all your live
      auctions in a drop down.
    4. Alternatively, you can add as many auctions as you like and embed them in
      your Post or Page using the custom