Dynamic Sidebars On Multiple Subpages

I am building a site in WordPress. It has multiple subpages, many of which require different sidebars. So, I have a widgetized theme and I have also created a few sidebar widgets.

I have written a conditional statement to show different sidebars on different pages. However, one widgetized sidebar displays on almost all pages despite the conditional statement.

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The sidebar that is appearing on the desired page can be seen here: http://www.africanhealthleadership.org/about/approach/

The subpage that should have a different sidebar is under Knowledge Resources>Research

The code is as follows. I am a total PHP spazz, so I likely did something silly. I have tried single quotes around dynamic_sidebar(2) but that did not work.

Thank you for any help.

     if ( is_subpage('approach') ) {
     if (!function_exists ( dynamic_sidebar(1) ) ) ; 
    elseif ( is_subpage('research')) {
    if (!function_exists( dynamic_sidebar(2)) || !dynamic_sidebar( "Sidebar2") );

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  1. More easy & elegant (higher maintainability):

    // Your sidebar should have the wp_meta action hook
    // in ex. your functions.php
    function my_sidebar_content() {
        // "About" Page
        if ( is_page('about') ) {
            // If some widget is added via Admin > Design > Widgets
            if ( is_active_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-default' ) ) {
                // Display Widgets
                dynamic_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-default' );
            // Default Content before Widgets were added
            else {
                _e('default static content', TEXTDOMAIN);
        // "Links" Page
        elseif ( is_page('links') ) {
            if ( is_active_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-links' ) ) {
                dynamic_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-links' );
            else {
                _e('default static content', TEXTDOMAIN);
    add_action( 'wp_meta', 'my_sidebar_content', 10 );
    # ===================================================
    // OR:
    // functions.php
    function load_my_sidebars() {
        // "About" Page
        if ( is_page('about') ) {
            get_template_part( 'sidebar_content', 'default' );
        // "Links" Page
        elseif ( is_page('links') ) {
            get_template_part( 'sidebar_content', 'links' );
    add_action( 'wp_meta', 'load_my_sidebars', 10 );
    // in sidebar_content-default.php
        // If some widget is added via Admin > Design > Widgets
        // You can add any static content right here before the widgets
        if ( is_active_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-default' ) ) {
            // Display Widgets
            dynamic_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-default' );
        // Default Content before Widgets were added
        else {
            _e('default static content', TEXTDOMAIN);
        // You can add any static content right here after the widgets
    // in sidebar_content-links.php
        if ( is_active_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-links' ) ) {
            dynamic_sidebar( 'widgets-sidebar-links' );
        else {
            _e('default static content', TEXTDOMAIN);
  2. I don’t know why anybody checks whether dynamic_sidebar exists. It’s been around for 9 major releases now. I really hope you’re not developing for 2.1 or lower. Try this:

    if( is_page('approach') )
    elseif( is_page('research') )

    If you know the specific page you want to use, don’t bother with that subpage junk. Besides, that function only checks if you’re on a subpage in general, but it won’t tell you if you’re on a specific subpage.