Extract image from the content

I want to extract images from the_content() and want to display first images from post on index.php and want to display all images on single.php. To do this I apply a filter on the_content():

    Post Summary Filter - Grap Image Thumbnails, Strip Tags, etc
add_filter('the_content', 'filterContentSummary', 0);

function filterContentSummary($content){
    global $post;

    if( is_home() || is_category() || is_tag() || is_author() || is_date() || is_search() || is_single ){
        //if NOT single page or "page" page
            $img='';        //default img code
            $final_width = 300;

            $content = $post->post_content;

            //search for first image in article

            //image found, process it

                if($width[1] < $final_width){
                    $final_width = $width[1];


            //prepare text
                $content = $post->post_excerpt;
                //strip shortcodes, tags
                $content = preg_replace('/[/*[^]]*]/i', '', $content);  //cont is ready
                $content = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/i', '', $content);    //cont is ready
                $content = substr($content,0,500);
                $content = explode(". ", $content);

                $content = implode(". ", $content) . "";

                $content = $post->post_content;
            //prepare final content
            $content =  "<p>". $content ."</p>";

            //Adding Read more link
            $content .= "<p align='right' class='seemore'><a href=".  get_permalink() . "></a></p>";
    // Make sure to return the content
    return $content;

On index.php using regular expressions I find the first image from the post and display it:

Read More
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post();
                            $content = $post->post_content;

Now $matches have all the images:

<div class="content-img"><img src="<?php echo $matches[2][0];?>"/></div>

…used to display first image on a post.

But how I can display all images on single.php ?

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  1. after global $post just add if(is_single()) return $content; this way if it is single template you filter will return the original content with all the images… then display it normally.