5 blogs on one WordPress site

What is the best way to have multiple blogs on one site? I am not talking about Multisite.

What I want is one website with 5 blogs. All accessible from one menu and editable from one backend, I could use categories, though I am looking for something else. Multisite would take a lot of tweaking.

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  1. If you don’t want to use Multisite, yet still want to have multiple blogs with a common backend, another idea is:

    • Customize your theme’s Author Templates so each author’s “blog homepage” has a distinct design
    • Create several different stylesheets, one per author. Use some conditional logic to display the appropriate stylesheet when viewing an individual blog post, so that the post matches that author’s homepage design.
    • Create several different sidebars, one per author. This will allow you to have different widgets per author. You’ll need conditional logic to know which sidebar to display too.

    Of course, this would require quite a bit of tweaking too. Multisite might be less work.

  2. install WP3.0, use the mulisite feature and create a template in the first blog. This template has different loops and switch in each blog and use the content in the loop; use function switch_to_blog() for switch and then use default wp_query()
    Also you can use import via RSS, maybe with plugins, maybe RSSimport, or own source