301 Redirecting: Joomla 1.5 to WordPress

I need to 301 redirect around 6000 URLs. I have already prepared and tested all the URLsand its working fine. But I’m facing only one problem.

Old URL to new URL redirection is working fine, for example:

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Redirect 301 /career/old-url.html /career/new-url/1/
Redirect 301 /career/old-url2.html /career/new-url/2/

But when I add redirect category page URL to new category page URL, for example:

Redirect 301 /career /category/career/
Redirect 301 /career/old-url.html /career/new-url/1/
Redirect 301 /career/old-url2.html /career/new-url/2/

Then it breaks all URLs by adding “Category” word to the URLs, for example:

Redirect 301 /career/old-url.html /career/new-url/1/ 

Redirects to:

Redirect 301 /career/old-url.html /category/career/new-url/1/

Thus breaking all the URLs: If I won’t redirect that 47 Joomla category page URLs to New WordPress Category URLs then rest of 6000 URLs redirection works just fine.

I have 6000 articles URLs and 47 categories. So if I won’t redirect 47 categories then it will create 47, 404 pages. So I have only one question. What is the perfect code to redirect all the URLs along with the categories?

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  1. .htaccess processes redirects in order, so you need to have the most specific redirect at the top and the most general at the bottom. Try this instead:

    Redirect 301 /career/old-url.html /career/new-url/1/
    Redirect 301 /career/old-url2.html /career/new-url/2/
    Redirect 301 /career /category/career/

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