When an unregistered user submits a form for a custom post type, send an email that lets them delete their post

I want visitors to submit a form (created with CRED, but could use Gravity Forms or Formidable Pro if that helps) that submits a custom post type that’s immediately published. I know how to do this.

When the post is published, I want the unregistered visitor who submitted the form to receive an email with a link (I’m assuming with some kind of md5 code) that will allow them to delete the post they created. Just like how Craigslist sends unregistered users a link to edit/delete their post. But I just need it to delete the post.

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I’ve read through this thread (When a user creates a post (pending), send a confirmation link that allows them to publish) and see it going the other way, I’m just not sure how to adapt it to delete.

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