I’m trying to include Facebook on a page of my website using my CSS styling. I’m VERY new to PHP and I’m having a lot of trouble getting my code to return any results.
I’m including my code below:
Template Name: Facebook display
<div class="wrapper">
<aside id="pageSidebar">
<section id="pageContent">
$page_id = 'MY PAGE';
$access_token = 'ACCESS TOKEN GOES HERE';
//Get the JSON
$json_object = @file_get_contents('https://graph.facebook.com/' . $page_id . '/posts?access_token=' . $access_token);
//Interpret data
$fbdata = json_decode($json_object);
foreach ($fbdata->data as $post )
$posts .= '<div><a href="' . $post->link .'">' . $post->story . '</a></div>';
$posts .= '<div><a href="'. $post->link .'">' . $post->message . '</a></div>';
$posts .= '<div>' . $post->description . '</div>';
$posts .= '<br />';
<div class="clear"></div>
I then included the following on the page that is supposed to display the Facebook posts
<?php include 'filename.php'; ?>
I’ve activated the php shortcode in WordPress and I set allow_url_fopen = On in my php.ini file. However Nothing. I can’t get the posts to display. I have tested the access token and page id. These are fine. Page is public. Running out of ideas and, honestly, out of my depth here.
Ok, so a lot of this was down to my ignorance of how to integrate PHP into HTML. I was able to do the following:
to produce my PHP file.
From there I made sure my settings were correct in PHP.ini – allow_url_fopen = On being the important one.
Finally I inserted the following code onto the destination page:
And this provided me with the styling I was looking for – at a basic level. I still am working on including like numbers and threaded comments but that’s another issue altogether.
At least, at the core, I solved my initial problem, which was to push a facebook JSON feed to my destination page with the appropriate CSS applied.