I want to update an option which is an array by adding a new value, but there’s no atomicity or guarantee of data integrity.
//Get the option value (an array)
$val = get_option( "some-option" );
//Add to the array
$val[] = "something";
/** Here, another session might already have it and is calling "update_option" */
//Save back (this overwrites whatever that other person did)
update_option( "some-option", $val );
Is there anything in wordpress that offers atomicity?
My first thought was to add a second option that acts as a data lock.
You’d perform a check to see if the lock came back false before being allowed to modify the option.
After giving it some more thought however wouldn’t a custom table better suit your needs. If you have multiple people updating the same option a table makes more sense.
Anyway, here’s how the lock could work: