I am creating a widget plugin that a user could potentially use multiple iterations of the widget multiple times on a single widget-area / multiple widget-areas on a single page. Because of its functionality there will be differing widget-level variables that I will need to individually pass from PHP to JavaScript to take action on (via jQuery). I have used a $widget_id
to wrap around the widget which works fine HTML-wise.
However I am having trouble passing the information to JavaScript — at least when attempting to use wp_localize_script
to pass info to the JavaScript file. My attempt to accomplish this was done by adding the action-hook to enqueue the JavaScript in the widget method. Unfortunately it appears that I can’t even get the JavaScript to be enqueued from there, let alone am able to pass it information!
Here’s what I have:
class my_widget extends WP_Widget {
private $widget_id;
private $variable;
private $plugin_location;
function my_widget() {
parent::WP_Widget(false, $name = 'My Widget Plugin');
$this->plugin_location = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
function widget($args, $instance) {
$this->widget_id="widget-".time().rand(1,100).rand(1,100); //make a unique id for widget, i know there are probably better ways to do this... but this works for now...
extract( $args );
$this->variable = $instance['variable'];
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array( &$this, 'plugin_scripts' ));
echo '<div id="' . $this->widget_id . '">';
create & output widget
echo '</div>';
... irrelevant widget administration functions ...
public function plugin_scripts(){
//here we set up & pass relevant information specific to EACH INDIVIDUAL widget (can have multiple in a single widget-area) for jQuery to execute functions & methods on to the JavaScript file
$widget_info_to_pass = array(
"widget_id" => $this->widget_id,
"variables" => $this->variables
wp_register_script( 'my-site-script'.$this->widget_id, $this->plugin_location . "js/my.js", array('jquery'),'1.2.0');
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-site-script'.$this->widget_id );
wp_localize_script('my-site-script'.$this->widget_id, 'php_params', $widget_id_to_pass);
add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("my_widget");'));
This doesn’t enqueue the script, I am fairly certain because widget doesn’t fire until after wp_enqueue_scripts
hook has come and gone.
Important to note: it appears that to use wp_localize_script
you have to call the function before wp_head.
To that note, I tried most of the hooks and was unable to even have the script enqueue at all let alone enqueue before wp_head
. If I could even get the widget method to enqueue a script I can somehow manually add embedded JavaScript defining the information for each widget instance (maybe an associative array?) – but I can’t get it to enqueue any scripts at all.
Is it possible to enqueue a script from the widget method of the extended WP_Widget
object or am I fighting an unwinnable battle here? Are the other ways to do this that I am missing?
——————- UPDATE ———————
I updated it using your advice like such:
class my_widget extends WP_Widget {
private $widget_id;
private $variable;
private $plugin_location;
function my_widget() {
parent::WP_Widget(false, $name = 'My Widget Plugin');
$this->plugin_location = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
function widget($args, $instance) {
$this->widget_id="widget-".time().rand(1,100).rand(1,100); //make a unique id for widget, i know there are probably better ways to do this... but this works for now...
extract( $args );
$this->variable = $instance['variable'];
//here we set up & pass relevant information specific to EACH INDIVIDUAL widget (can have multiple in a single widget-area) for jQuery to execute functions & methods on to the javascript file
$widget_info_to_pass = array(
"widget_id" => $this->widget_id,
"variable" => $this->variable
wp_register_script( 'my-site-script'.$this->widget_id, $this->plugin_location . "js/my.js", array('jquery'),'1.2.0');
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-site-script'.$this->widget_id );
wp_localize_script('my-site-script'.$this->widget_id, 'php_params', $widget_id_to_pass);
echo '<div id="' . $this->widget_id . '">';
create & output widget
echo '</div>';
... irrelevant widget administration methods ...
add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("my_widget");'));
To make sure I am being passed the proper info, I made my.js contain the following:
widget_id = php_params.widget_id;
variable = php_params.variable;
console.log(widget_id + "---" + variable);
Unfortunately it only outputs to the console the FINAL widget_id
and variable three times.
Any reason why this happens? Any idea how to make it output the proper iterations?
It’s not true that you have to use
before the wp_head.Since 3.3 you can use
in the body of the document (i.e. in a widget or shortcode callback) and the script is loaded in the footer.Here’s a skeleton class I’ve used for adding variables for each instance of a widget to an array and then using
to add that entire array to the document. This loads the script, and the variables in the footer.First register your script on the
has already happened. enqueue the script directly in your widget function and output it in the footer.