How to make accordion active item clickable

After trial-and-erroring for the last couple hours, I realize I should really take a course on the basics of jQuery. Can someone help me with what will likely be a simple answer?

I am putting this accordion into a page, but I want the active panel to be able to click to close. Is there something simple I can do to make it possible?

(function($) {

  //Hide all panels
  var allPanels = $('.accordion > dd').hide();

  //Show first panel
  $('.accordion > dd:first-of-type').show();

  //Add active class to first panel 
  $('.accordion > dt:first-of-type').addClass('accordion-active');

  //Handle click function
  jQuery('.accordion > dt').on('click', function() {

    //this clicked panel
    $this = $(this);

    //the target panel content
    $target = $;

    //Only toggle non-displayed 

      //slide up any open panels and remove active class

      //remove any active class
      jQuery('.accordion > dt').removeClass('accordion-active');

      //add active class

      //slide down target panel


    return false;


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  1. Try:

      jQuery('.accordion > dt').on('click', function() {
          //this clicked panel
          var $this = $(this), 
              $target = $; 
          //slide up any open panels and remove active class
          $this.parent().children('dd').not($target).slideUp(); //Slide Up everything but the target one
          //remove any active class
          jQuery('.accordion > dt').removeClass('accordion-active');
          //add active class
          //slide down target panel
        return false;


    And actually you can simplify this to:

     jQuery('.accordion > dt').on('click', function () {
            var $this = $(this) ,
                $target = $;
            $('.accordion > dt.accordion-active').not($this.toggleClass('accordion-active')).removeClass('accordion-active');
            return false;
