I created a widget called “info widget”, which has a field, here is the code of the widget:
//register my widget
function info_init()
// widget class
class info_widget extends WP_widget
// Widget Settings
function info_widget()
$option = array
"classname" => "style1",
"description" => "widget information"
$this->WP_widget("info-widget","widget d'information",$option);
// display the widget
function widget($args,$instance)
echo $before_widget;
echo $before_title.$instance["name"].$after_title;
echo $after_widget;
//the form for the widget options
function form($instance)
$def = array
"name" =>"Enter your name"
$instance = WP_parse_args($instance,$def);
echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id("name").'">name :</label>
<input value="'.$instance["name"].'" type="text" name="'.$this->get_field_name("name").'" id="'.$this->get_field_id("name").'">
// update the widget
function update($new,$old)
return $new;
in the “widget” menu when I slide my widget to the sidebar the field of widget get automatically an ID, and every time I slide again my widget, the field takes a new ID ( the ID is incremented)
for me I created a metabox, and I got my widget in the metabox with his field. Code of metabox :
function dar_meta_create()
'dar_meta', // $id
'metabox dardar', // $title
'dar_meta_function', // $callback
'page', // $page
'advanced', // $context
// callback
function dar_meta_function($post)
wp_nonce_field(basename(__FILE__), 'dar_nonce');
//Display My widget
global $wp_widget_factory;
$widget = new info_widget(); // create my widget
$widget->id = 'temp';
$widget->number = '2'; // give an ID automatically ?????
$form = ob_get_clean();
// Convert the widget field naming into ones that panels uses
$exp = preg_quote($widget->get_field_name('____'));
$exp = str_replace('____', '(.*?)', $exp);
$form = preg_replace('/'.$exp.'/', "2", $form);
$widget->form = $form;
// save meta box
function dar_meta_save($id,$post)
// check the autosave
return $id;
//Save My Widget here ???
In the “ADD new page” menu the output of my metabox is :
string '<p><label for="widget-info-widget-2-name">Nom :</label>
<input value="Enter your name" type="text"
name="widgets[2][name]" id="widget-info-widget-2-nom"> </p>'
but I gave the ID manually ( ID = 2)
how can I automatically give an ID for each field of a widget and save it so that I can display it in the page ?? some one has an idea ?
I hope I don’t ask many Questions 🙂 and thanks.