I have created a template for gallery named image.php which allows me to create a news website style image gallery that can be embedded in posts. But I need two more things to make this complete.
First, I want to know how to create a text link to the first image in a gallery, rather than displaying thumbnails for the gallery as the built-in shortcode currently does.
For example, check out “click here to start” on this page: http://www.businessinsider.com/android-vs-iphone-debate-quotes-2011-12 -
Secondly, if anybody knows how to generate a list of all the images in a gallery which I can add to my image.php file that would be great to have so I could use it to create a slider on the bottom of each page featuring an image with the other images in the gallery.
Attachments in a gallery are their own posts, with some special settings. To get a list of all the attachments for a given post, you basically just create a new query and specify the post parent and attachment type.
You can then loop through this query in the same way as any other loop to access those images.
Creating a text link to one of those images would be done the wp_get_attachment_link function. For a text only link, use “none” as the size parameter.