Custom metabox field help tips popups

Is there anything built-in to core that displays a little (?) icon next to admin-side input fields (custom metabox input fields, for example) that provide tooltips or a contextual help popup when rolled over? I thought I saw something like that once, but it may very well have been specific to a plugin.

Any thoughts?

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  1. Most of the jQuery UI is already built in to the WP admin and it is planned for the WP 3.3 update to include the rest of the UI.

    It is not until jQuery UI 1.9 final release where tooltips will be added in so perhaps after WP 3.3, jQuery UI 1.9 will be incorporated in thus adding in-built tooltips without having to enqueue anything.

  2. You can achieve this without the use of a plugin, depending on how you display your meta fields you may only need to use some html and jquery for the tooltip.

    My all time favourite for custom metaboxes is the WPAlchemy Class. The file structure is very organised and separate files are used for different metaboxes.

    For the tooltip itself there are plenty of jquery plugins available its a matter of including the scripts to display in the admin post section that can be accomplished using wp_enqueue_script.

    More information on wp_enqueue_script can be found here.

    Hope this helps.