Olatech Pro

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Olawale Adesina
WordPress and PHP Developer
Full-Stack Web Developer
  • City:
  • Country:
  • Bootstrap, Materialize
  • Stylus, Sass, Less
  • Gulp, Webpack, Grunt
  • GIT knowledge
  • BuddyPress, BuddyBoss
  • WordPress Custom Plugins
  • WordPress Custom Themes
  • WordPress filters and action
  • Figma
  • JIRA
  • Twig
  • Software Best Practices
  • Website optimization
  • Troubleshooting
  • Ultimate Member, ACF
  • Woocommerce
  • Payment Integration
  • SEO techniques
  • Optimization
  • Technical Support
  • Web Security
  • Capabilities
  • User and Role Management
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • WP-CLI


February 7, 2023 / WordPress
WordPress bulk post approval and publishing doesn’t work

I’m new to WordPress plugin development. I’m trying to develop a simple plugin that creates a sub-menu named Approval under…

February 4, 2023 / WordPress
Can I use WordPress WP_Query to find a post with a particular menu_order?

I can use WP_Query to order posts matching my query by menu_order. But can I also specifically find posts that have a particular menu_order?…

February 4, 2023 / WordPress
WordPress dynamic header and footer template inclusion: footer script not included

1 I have a file that is being required by both the header and footer, and that file is meant…

February 4, 2023 / WordPress
WordPress wp_redirect() doesn’t work

I am inserting a piece of code to my website that includes a redirect statement. Everything works fine except the wp_redirect();….

February 4, 2023 / WordPress
Rewrite rule taxonomy url with different values in one function in WordPress

So I’m a little bit stuck here and honestly don’t know how to proceed, I’m trying to do a rewrite…

February 4, 2023 / WordPress
How to handle wordpress Ajax Calls, when using same shortcodes (with different parameters, e.g. ‘post-type’)?

This is my very first question here. So please don’t be too angry, if I miss something out or make…

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