Olatech Pro

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Olawale Adesina
WordPress and PHP Developer
Full-Stack Web Developer
  • City:
  • Country:
  • Bootstrap, Materialize
  • Stylus, Sass, Less
  • Gulp, Webpack, Grunt
  • GIT knowledge
  • BuddyPress, BuddyBoss
  • WordPress Custom Plugins
  • WordPress Custom Themes
  • WordPress filters and action
  • Figma
  • JIRA
  • Twig
  • Software Best Practices
  • Website optimization
  • Troubleshooting
  • Ultimate Member, ACF
  • Woocommerce
  • Payment Integration
  • SEO techniques
  • Optimization
  • Technical Support
  • Web Security
  • Capabilities
  • User and Role Management
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • WP-CLI


June 23, 2023 / WordPress
Combining tags from post types

I am trying to create a tag cloud that combines different post types. When I do a generic wp_tag_cloud, it…

June 23, 2023 / WordPress
Hide a template part when page is password protected?

I’d like to hide the sidebar of my page when the page is password protected and the password has not…

June 23, 2023 / WordPress
Product admin page breaking with too many product variations

When adding more than 100-155 variations to a variable product our admin page seems to break and loose all it’s…

June 23, 2023 / WordPress
Echo all category names, apart from one

I’ve got this simple code, that creates breadcrumbs: function the_breadcrumb() { if (!is_home()) { echo ‘<a href=”‘; echo get_option(‘home’); echo…

June 23, 2023 / WordPress
WordPress JS- Visual Composer

I am trying to make a sense in which I can put the whole functionality of JavaScript Visual Composer as…

June 23, 2023 / WordPress
Display metabox conditionally

I have searched left, right and center and believe that this does not exist as a built in option in…

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